A blog representing a college's student view of life through Art, Poetry, and more...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Daiy Intake

Well this week of school was pretty good. I got all my necessary books, hung out with real people, watched plenty of movies, and love my family always. I also read for classes and one of the books is Uncle John's Organic Bathroom reader. It is a good and funny read. It is really meant to be read in the bathroom. It is simple, funny, and the facts are true. Now I read a passage awhile ago that stuck with me. It stated the facts about the reality of humans living on the moon and if it gets worse enough here will NASA have the moon base set up. Well the bathroom reader did not take a side on whether we should do that or not they just stated the facts. I will take a stand. I believe to be stupid, selfish, and another power move. How dare humans believe they have the right to take over another planet or star moving in the solar system. And I believe if we can kill one planet if we have the ability to live on any others we will kill them as well. I don't care what anyone says if the earth goes under I think we should all be the captains going down with the ship. It is all of our faults.
One another point I have watched so many movies it might be ridiculous. I have watched Youth in Revolt an awesome movie that is another great one for Michael Cera. 500 Days of Summer another awesome movie that is truly about love and relationships. What about the morgans? an average movie that I could have done without. Delgo a cartoon movie that was an average movie but I would watch it again however I would not buy it. Dakoyta Skye an awesome movie about well thats just it I don't know but it was a great Teen movie and love story. Then she Found me which was a pretty good movie about an adult who's birth mother finds her and she goes through a lot of stuff with her it is amazing. Wow and so many more that were either good or horrible. Thats a great description I know.

Well thats all for now.


  1. I think the movies deserve their own posts. Aaaand do you think it helps to do small things to reverse our destruction of the earth? also do you think earth is reversing the tide on her own?
    I also think you have a crush on Michael Cera just sayin.


  2. Well thank you 3pieceonline for your comment but I did not want to give the movies there own post because the ssimple words I used are the only ones that can be used for those movies.
    I do believe that doing small things helps but not in the overall scheme. I basically think we waited a little too late to help just a little. I think its going to take altering lifes to help out more.
    I think the earth is getting ready for another wipe out of a species. I believe that species is humankind. I don't think there is anything small we can do to change it. I really don't think there is anything period we can do to change it to be honest.

    And I do not have a crush on Michael Cera I just like the characters he plays. He plays the guy I wouldn't mind dating in basically all his movies. And I did not like PaperHeart and he was in that. So ha 3piece HA!!!

  3. He plays the guy I wouldn't mind dating in basically all his movies. " HA yourself because he is basically playing himself and you have a cruuuuuuush! I know who you like nananana.

    I believe in the positive so I believe that we must make the changes and we will be spared in the gloom and doom you fortell. Gosh man look for the hope in this thing okay.
