A blog representing a college's student view of life through Art, Poetry, and more...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Daily Intake

The life of a college student is a super busy one. Between trying to live and be yourself, make friends, keep friends, doing work, studying, loving your family, and giving yourself some much need me time. Its a whole lot to keep up with. But hey thats what you gotta to do to get done what you need to get done. Its like go go go around here. Constantly doing something which is good but also heckted. But I think I found a rhythm I can use. I am still experimenting with schedules and trying to fit in time other things I want to do. I will figure it out trust me on another hand:

Kanye West is indeed a beast with his killer singles out now. Which is totally awesome you can download for free from his websites. I found that ultra cool. I am not a groupie person. I am person who believes celebrities are just people with talent no different from everyone else. That being said that man is a pure genius when it comes to lyrics, beats, and anything artistic. I am so excited about his album and his performance at the VMAS was kickbutt. Man he had ballerinas, a hard hitting rap and another hard hitting rap artiists, a switch between auto tune and his regular voice, and mixing on it all at the same time. No one can stop that man. Its just ridiculous. He is just as I and my mother say a GENIUS man.

Well thats all I got for ya. Unti lnext time....


  1. I love the new Kanye West singles as well and guess what today is GOOD Friday so he should be releasing another one today.

  2. I know I got it. I have not yet gotten to ike that one so much but I love the Good Friday song.
