A blog representing a college's student view of life through Art, Poetry, and more...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Daily Intake

Music has consumed my whole week and weekend. It was mad crazy. I was getting so much music and I am and was so happy. I got all the new kanye west songs, new diggy simmon, and some B.O.B and Drake. Also other random songs that are on the radio now a days. I have to say again Kanye West is a genius. I absolutely positively love B.O.B's music. He not only can mix genres together but also can rap hard as I don't know what. He did not come out with another cd but I got a mixtape of his I don't know if it is new but still it was fire. I was inlove with B.O.B' music before but after listening to this I am even more in love with his music. And surprisingly Diggy Simmons mixtape was not bad. It was actually pretty good. He has alot of songs that I actual listen to a lot. My mother actual made me download his mixtape and I had to listen to it since it was now downloaded and not to shabby man. Some of the songs are actually talking about something. It was so shocking. The drake stuff was just a djs mix of his album and that was great. I usual don't like mixes but I liked this one. Man I realized I love music not only by finding all these awesome songs, listening to all my old music, singing at step singing, and being just plain old me. Music man I can not live without it. Yeaher


  1. Yeah Yeaher! So glad we share a love that is timeless music speaks to our souls.

  2. It does speak to our souls. Its what keeps the heart going sometimes. Music is love man. Grovvy
