A blog representing a college's student view of life through Art, Poetry, and more...

Monday, October 11, 2010


You know I realized something over these past few days. Even though I do not do a lot of the things I can do. I am an artist. I can finely say it. I love science but I am also an artist. I do not like to be confined to s certain way to doing things. I like my mind to wander and to argue points that make since to me. So many academics are in one set way and do not think of things in different ways. They are so focus on that one subject they have mastered. I realized that I do not want to be confined to one set way of thinking or one way to enjoy my life. When I say enjoy my life I mean my career. I plan to continue my education and stay on my path but also to allow my creative side to blossom as well. I know that is going to be difficult but they are both what I love to do and that is the point of all of this. Not to make money, not to party. For me this college experience is about getting to know me, loving myself, doing things that I love, and continuing that into the real world. Dreams don't pay the rent but money doesn't fulfill you.

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