A blog representing a college's student view of life through Art, Poetry, and more...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What do you see?

This poem is not about my experience. I have not experience this but I know a lot of girls my age and older who have. I know there are a lot of poems like this but this is mine. This is one that I had to get out. I know I have no experience and can not feel what they feel but that does not mean I don't see the pain. I am sorry to those who are offended but these are my words and thats all I got to say. Here it goes:

Your eyes are the rosy color of joy
You see my body say yes
You grab my arm with gentle ease
You sing a song of sweet beauty
You brush back just a stain of my hair that barely moves
You tell me how beautiful I am. A woman you say I am turning out to be.
You stop and stupefy in public but behind closed doors you forever penetrate my innocence.
You see what you want:
While I scream for my mother to save me, you hear me scream your name.
While I fight you off, you see four play in full action.
While my eyes are dilated and forever widened with paranoia, your eyes are the rosy color of joy.
You forever have your rose colored glasses on me; while taking my rose colored glasses away along with my forgotten innocence.
By:Luna B

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