A blog representing a college's student view of life through Art, Poetry, and more...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Daily InTake

  • So I went to see two recent movies that were totally awesome. They were: Dinner for Schmucks and The Other Guys. Both classic comedies. They both were hilarious kept me and my family laughing. The Other Guys was a little different then most movies Will Ferrell is in but still hilarious. I loved both movies and want to own them.

  • I also have been working on this big crochet project is supposed to be a scarf/shawl. It is taking awhile because it so big. My mother is making me at the same time read 10 books before I leave home. All of the books are classics that most black woman/ young ladies should read. Such books as: I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings, The Heart of a Woman, The Bluest Eyes, The Eyes Were Watching God, and etc... She wants to me not only know the gists of the understanding of the books which I already do but know the books. So Yah me. I just got through the first book and it was not a bad read. It is the I know Why the Cage Bird Sings. It was an excellent book but very sad which is why I had to see two new comedies to keep me smiling. It had many messages that I am still interpreting and trying to get the gist of. Most of the messages are very powerful and make you think just like the other book I just read The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin. Although The Fire Next Time for me was more of an essay and took me longer to read and get the messages. I understand why my mother wants me to read these books but I wish she would have given them to me earlier in the summer. I would have knocked out most of them and had many discussions with her about the meanings to me. Right now I am just trying to hurry up so she won't be upset.

Well that is all for now.

Always Laughing Luna,

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